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How to Invest in the Next Internet Revolution

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What is Web 3.0 and How Do We Get There?

Cryptorial Kusunoki Samurai: Web 3.0 is the third generation of the Internet, an improvement over the existing Web. When the internet started in the 1990s, it had limitations in functionality. Back then, being on the Internet meant knowing how to write HTML code. All websites are static, and HTML based. For most people, it’s just a place to read information; Therefore, Web 1.0 is often referred to as a read-only web.

Then came the companies that expanded Internet adoption. For example, think of social media and Facebook and Twitter. Instead of writing extensive HTML code to get your profile online, these companies allow a wider audience to become part of the internet with just an internet connection and a cell phone. Ordinary people can now read and write on the Internet.

However, in Web 2.0, some tech giants should control the Internet. For example, from Facebook, Meta now has several social media platforms. Because of this, they enjoy a monopoly on data and can use it to their advantage. Web 3.0 was born to liberate users from the control of tech giants. It aims to decentralize the currently centralized internet by giving users back control over their data. Web 3.0 = read + write + own.

Ways to Invest in Web 3.0

Cryptorial Kusunoki Samurai: Investors wondering how to invest in web3 have a variety of options. These include NFTs, virtual items inside the metaverse, and various related cryptocurrencies. These investments are not necessarily isolated in categories and can often be intertwined with one another.

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are a digital art form that contain a unique blockchain identifier, making each NFT unique, at least in theory.

NFTs can have a variety of use cases in Web 3.0. Apps like play-to-earn games can use NFTs for in-game items, digital artists can create and sell their art without the help of intermediaries such as art galleries, and people can prove ownership of digital assets or verify their identity through NFT ownership.

Metaverse – The term metaverse refers to virtual universes powered by blockchain and web 3.0 technologies such as AR, VR and crypto. The idea behind Metaverse is to enable more complex digital interactions, including connecting, shopping, creating, and more.

For example, investors can purchase virtual lots in 3D virtual worlds such as Decentraland. In theory, as more people head to Decentraland to buy land, the value could go up, if the creators of Decentraland don’t keep coming up with new plots.

CryptocurrenciesBuying cryptocurrencies might be one of the most straightforward ways to invest in Web 3.0. Many of the platforms involved have their own tokens. There could be some overlap when investing in NFTs, the metaverse, and cryptocurrency.

Owning innovative crypto like Ethereum (ETH), for example, could be seen as an investment in all three categories. This is because ETH is a cryptocurrency, most NFT marketplaces are built on the Ethereum blockchain, and some metaverse applications are also built on Ethereum.

By holding ETH, investors might gain exposure to many aspects of Web 3.0 at the same time.

In addition, buying metaverse items and NFTs can typically only be done with a cryptocurrency like ETH, a fiat-pegged crypto known as a stablecoin, or the native token of a particular blockchain network. Therefore, it might be difficult to figure out how to directly invest in Web 3.0 without first acquiring cryptocurrency, unless an investor prefers the stock market, which opens other doors for investors.


Cryptorial Kusunoki Samurai: Investing in shares of relevant stocks could be an easier, and somewhat less risky way to invest in Web 3.0. In this way, investors can gain exposure to the technologies that are already helping to build the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

Here are some of the most popular stocks that come to mind for investors who are considering how to invest in web 3.0.

  • Coinbase (COIN)
  • Apple (APPL)
  • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
  • Block (SQ)

Frequently Asked Question About Web 3.0

Q1. What is Web3?

Ans. It is a system that gives users more control over their data and privacy by utilising technologies such as blockchain encryption.

Q2. Is it better than Web2?

Ans. Web 3 guarantees that you own your data, assets, and digital identities while also combining the advantages of data policy. The present web 2, especially when the government has authority over users’ data, cannot ensure comprehensive data privacy.

Q3. How Is Web3 Going to Be a Profitable Venture?

Ans. According to experts, the market for web 3.0 blockchain technology will be valued at more than $6 trillion by 2023. Between 2023 and 2030, Web 3.0 will experience a CAGR of 44.6% growth.

Q4. Can You Explain What a Semantic Web Is?

Ans. A semantic web is a data-infused global network that is machine-readable and machine-intelligent. It is a method of displaying data on the internet so that computers can process and analyze it more quickly.

Q5. What Can Be Some of the Most Significant Practices That Can Follow in the Development of Web3?

Ans. One of the most important practices in developing web3 is surely developing ourselves for mobile first. Even though most of us are aware of this practice, it is worth mentioning. Nowadays, mobile devices account for most of the traffic. As a result, we must direct our focus toward designing websites with the comfort of using an application via mobile or smartphones in mind. Similarly, while building web3, one must concentrate on creating user-friendly designs.

This will undoubtedly assist in ensuring that the website/application/software works and looks well across most devices, including both huge desktop displays and little screens. Another crucial aspect of web3 development is to improve the performance and speed of our website. This will undoubtedly assist us to satisfy consumers who expect websites to load swiftly and smoothly. As a result, in the internet age, we must focus on optimizing our websites for speed and rankings.

Should You Invest in Web 3.0?

Cryptorial Kusunoki Samurai: The answer to this question will depend on an investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and personal preference.

Investing in any newly emerging and mostly unproven technology can carry high risk. But if investors do their due diligence, the rewards can also be great. Investing in Bitcoin in 2012 was arguably much riskier than it is in 2022, and early Bitcoin investors saw spectacular gains (as well as outsize losses). It’s possible, though not guaranteed, that early Web 3.0 investors could also see returns.

Those looking for a safe place to park their savings for the future might want to avoid investing in Web 3.0. Those seeking speculative opportunities, on the other hand, might see Web 3.0 as an attractive bet.


For those wondering how to invest in Web 3.0, the answers and opportunities are endless. Given that Web 3.0 will embrace so many new technologies, both digital and physical, investors are spoiled for choice. And this brave new world of the internet is just getting started.

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Kier Boris is a web 3 writer and metaverse enthusiast. He’s passionate about exploring the potential of blockchain technology and its implications for the future of the web.

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